about our project

Caitlin and Katie met as freshman at Centre College living just a few doors down from each other. They don't so much remember meeting, just the hazy knowledge that their earliest college memories are of each other. For four years they enjoyed each others' frequent company, including a semester in London. But since graduation, geography has been a major damper on their relationship. Katie stayed in Kentucky, her home state; Caitlin set off for grad school in Atlanta and recently returned to her home state of Texas.

No longer can they eat from the same tube of cookie dough. There's 1000 miles between them.

A combination of enjoying blogging, missing each other, and a shared love of photography -- oh, and this Photojojo post -- lead them to decide to start this photoblog. They might not be able to share the same tube of cookie dough, but at least they can see what the other sees everyday.

The rules are simple. Beginning on March 20, 2010 (the first day of Spring) and continuing until March 20, 2011, everyday by midnight they will post a photo taken that day side by side. Exceptions might be made for travel, power outages, and other natural disasters. Maybe.

about caitlin
about katie